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Sub heading
Mr John Robert Cuffley, an able and energetic traveller, was the founder of the Commercial Travellers’ Schools. He inspired many of his colleagues with his vision of a school which would house, feed, clothe and educate the necessitous children of brethren “on the road” who met untimely death or became unable to earn their livelihood. On 4th July 1845 Mr Cuff/ey headed the initial list of subscribers to the funds of the Institution.
Our Founder
Mr John Robert Cuffley, an able and energetic traveller, was the founder of the Commercial Travellers’ Schools. He inspired many of his colleagues with his vision of a school which would house, feed, clothe and educate the necessitous children of brethren “on the road” who met untimely death or became unable to earn their livelihood. On 4th July 1845 Mr Cuff/ey headed the initial list of subscribers to the funds of the Institution.
K’s story
Short intro to K’s story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent interdum pulvinar elit, vitae imperdiet sapien dignissim at.
Family Break-up
I was at the very lowest point in my life and it felt like everything was falling apart. My husband, who was a travelling sales representative for many years, left the family and shortly afterwards was made redundant.
I am a problem solver by nature and I just couldn’t see a way out. Then I discovered the Royal Pinner Educational Trust.
Stability for my children
Helping my children stay at the schools they loved so much had an enormous impact far beyond education.
For the children, whose lives had changed completely, and who were desperately unhappy and scared, having the continuity of staying at their schools was essential for their education and their mental well-being.
School became a safe place, a place where the world hadn’t changed.
Royal Pinner’s Impact
Helping my children stay at the schools they loved so much had an enormous impact far beyond education.
For the children, whose lives had changed completely, and who were desperately unhappy and scared, having the continuity of staying at their schools was essential for their education and their mental well-being.
School became a safe place, a place where the world hadn’t changed.
K’s story
Short intro to K’s story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent interdum pulvinar elit, vitae imperdiet sapien dignissim at.
Short intro to K’s story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent interdum pulvinar elit, vitae imperdiet sapien.
Short intro to K’s story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent interdum dolor sit amet, elit praesent nter.